Who we are and what we hope to accomplish with this blog

     We are all economics students, seeking to bring economic knowledge to non-economics specialists. Economics, despite its reputation as the "dismal science," is actually among the most intriguing academic subjects there are, and we hope that you will come to agree with us.
     In this blog, we will try to apply basic economics principles to everyday subject matter. We explore these topics as well as much more, without any unnecessary economic jargon or fancy-schmancy, ostentatious math equations. We've had a great deal of fun and enjoyment writing the posts, and we hope you enjoy it too!

Our influences include:
Steven D. Levitt, University of Chicago
Gary S. Becker, University of Chicago
N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard University
Allen R. Sanderson, University of Chicago
Roland G. Fryer, Harvard University
Charles Wheelan, University of Chicago
Robert G. Tian, Medaille College 
John A. List, University of Chicago
Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University
Paul Krugman, Princeton University...(just kidding).